Nathuram Godse was arrested immediately after he assassinated Gandhiji, based on a F. I. R. filed by Nandlal Mehta at the Tughlak Road Police station at...
When Guru Hargobind returned with 52 Hindu Kings from Gwalior For Prison. -By Immy Kaur I must only accept and appreciate my freedom, with the freedom...
Diwali is celebrated with full enthusiasm as the festival of lights. Fireworks have become a major part of the Diwali celebrations. The ancient celebration is linked...
-By Kum. B. Nivedita During the time of the East India Company and later, in the British rule, there seem to have been two motives working in the minds...
By Yasmin Khan, Associate Professor of History at the University of Oxford The numbers are staggering: up to three million Indians were killed by famine, more...
Shaanti, meaning “peace”, is a natural state of being. Disturbances are created either by others or us. For example, peace already exists in a place until someone...
~ Ram Lingam What’s your IQ? What’s your EQ? These days we are also asked what your SQ (spiritual quotient) is. These IQ, EQ, SQ etc are available...
~ By Inder Singh India’s independence has long been attributed to Mohandas Gandhi, Congress leaders and their struggle for freedom. In the midst of their limelight,...
Their faces are painted in shades of red, blue and green with designs symbolising traditional African body art, they wear bright orange tiger print skirts, straw...
The walls have seven gateways and they are over fifteen feet wide in some places protecting over 360 temples from invaders. Kumbhalgarh is a Mewar fortress...