Kamadhenu, also known as Surabhi is the divine bovine-goddess and the mother of all cows in Hinduism. She is the sacred cow who emerged from the...
~ By Swami Sivananda The mark of Dharma is Achara or good conduct. Achara is the mark of the good. From Achara is Dharma born....
Copper can destroy undesirable virus and bacteria. It is interesting that Ayurveda knew this, when bacteria were unknown to science. Ayurveda recommends storing water in copper...
– by DR DAVID FRAWLEY Clearly, there has been a long history of maligning dharma that continues worldwide today. Saying “I am a Hindu” is bound...
Indian Puranas, History and The Epics are not fairy tales. They are facts. I have been verifying statements of events mentioned in these texts with the...
Q: What contributions have Sikhs made as Soldiers and Warriors? A: Sikhs by nature are respectful, courageous, hardworking, and enterprising. Look into their short span of history...
~ Stephen Knapp On of the primary needs for Vedic culture right now, especially in places like India, is the following formula of preservation, protection, promotion...
When we see number of beads in vara mala/vrata mala, number of names of God and Goddess, I always wondered there should be some prominence for...
~ Sita Ram Goel, (excerpted from the book, “Hindu Temples: What happened to them?”_ The mention made by Maulana Abdul Hai (Indian Express, February 5, 1989)...
~ Subhashish Chatterjee The Need for Silence: In the rush of activities and noise that have become a part of modern living, we often forget the...